Santa Cruz Guitar Lesson  
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(be honest now)

1. B - Patty Boyd Harrison. I'm sure there is quite a story there
2. The answer is all three guitarists have played with Deep Purple over the years. Blackmore was the guitar player during the classic era for this band. For an example of his brilliance, check out "Made in Japan", Purple's live album from that era. Bolin was a replacement who flamed out on tour. He claimed he slept on his arm wrong and was not able to play well. Steve Morse is the current guitar player with the band.

3. C - Ever wonder why your guitar parts never sound right when you play along with Stone's recordings, even though you know you're playing the right chords? Open G. Try it
4. C - The band, according to interviews, was embarrassed by "Teen Spirit" because they were sure that everyone was going to think that they had stolen the Pixies sound. Kurt describes going into the studio to listen to a mix of the song and being surprised at how good it sounded and how craftily the mix hid the Pixies' influence.

5. B - The locking tremolo made big hair possible, and of course lots of other cool guitar playing. Temperamental and finicky, these devices made my life as a guitar teacher in the early 80's living hell. Cheap, knock off trems. were on every starter electric guitar sold during the era. It used to take half a lesson and a complete set of wrenches just to get the instruments in tune. Most students were not technically advanced enough (or metal head enough) to take advantage of these devices, so they were a huge liability. Think racing clutch in the family wagon.

6. B - August 29, 1966. All of you Beatles fanatics already knew this. Interesting to note that the band continued for four more years with no organized touring. Maybe you shouldn't have screamed so loud at Candlestick the first time (Candlestick Park, San Francisco, CA, the last venue played by the Beatles in the U.S.).

7. B - Django, the gypsy guitar king. His left hand was badly burned in a fire and had only two fully functioning fingers. Guitar teachers like to point this out when students complain that their hands are too small, too uncoordinated, etc. "Django did it with only two fingers, you should be able to manage just fine with four." This of course is unfair, since Django was a gifted virtuoso who probably would have sounded good playing with his feet.

8. C - All three are known for very distinctive flavors of amplification. Any guitar player looking to buy quality amplification would do well checking out these three brands to get an idea of the classic guitar amplifier sounds. Each uses a unique design to render a distinct tone. Most other amps are variations on these classics.

9. C - Classical guitars without cutaways are hampered by the reach across the top of the guitar to reach the upper notes, hence the number of frets is usually limited to 19. Modern classical guitarists usually have a 20th fret added to the first string. Barrios wrote a famous piece requiring a 20th fret. They are cool.

10. C - Leo Fender formed Music Man after leaving Fender. Music Man guitars and amplifiers are high quality and generally unappreciated. Check out the 112 RD amplifier for a loud, great sounding, clean amp. Their guitars are also excellent.



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